Product Ratings

About Okendo

Okendo is THE customer review platform for fast-growing Shopify brands. An Official Google Reviews partner and trusted by 4,000+ high-growth consumer brands such Netflix, SKIMS, and Bite, Okendo has all the tools brands need to capture and showcase high-impact social proof through the online buying journey. Learn more about our unique review capture process, blazing-fast display widgets, and extensive Klaviyo integration at

Okendo and Rebuy

Take advantage of connecting your Okendo and Rebuy accounts to seamlessly display product reviews below relevant products in personalized recommendations. This integration offers a smooth presentation of customer reviews alongside the recommended products, ultimately improving the shopping experience and boosting conversion rate.

Use cases

  • Feature Customer Ratings & Reviews

    Give your customers more confidence and your sales a boost by featuring customer ratings and reviews in Rebuy’s personalized product recommendations. Leverage the power of super-targeted social proof in every Rebuy upsell, cross-sell, and post-purchase offer!